With the KMSKA app, you can discover the museum in a way that suits you.
Highlights Tour or More Masters Tour
Is this your first time in the museum and are the most beautiful masterpieces on your bucket list? Then choose a Highlights Tour or More Masters Tour. Both tours are suitable for blind and visually impaired visitors. Deaf and hard of hearing visitors can also watch this tour in Flemish Sign Language or International Sign.
Beeldenstorm Tour
Feel more like a unique tour of the museum that confronts, moves and makes you laugh? Then perhaps The Iconoclasm Tour by Artist in Residence Tom Van Dyck is for you. Available in Dutch only.
Beeldenstorm Tour narrated by Tom Van Dyck, Alice Reijs, Anne-Laure Vandeputte, Chiel van Berkel, Gène Bervoets, Katelijne Verbeke, Sebastien Dewaele, Friedl Lesage, Koen Brandt, Lukas De Wolf, Bill Dewispelaere, Jerome Sturm, Lola Van Dyck, Jan Decleir
The tours are accessible for blind and visually impaired visitors and available in both Flemish and International Sign Language.
Take a Stroll
Don't like audio tours at all? Don't panic! Via Take a stroll you discover the museum, the works of art and the themes of the collection hall by hall. Don't forget to save your favourite works of art in the app, so you can keep them with you forever...