
About KMSKA 

Seven centuries of art: from Flemish Primitives to Expressionists. World-famous masters. The largest and most important collections of James Ensor and Rik Wouters. Yet the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp is much more than even this internationally renowned collection of art. The KMSKA is the only Flemish museum with high-level scientific status.

Not only are we responsible for conserving, managing and expanding our collection, we also carry out scholarly research into the works, the techniques used, colour, visual language and more besides. In doing so, we challenge received wisdom. We share our newly acquired interpretations with the public, enriching the knowledge of art lovers. The KMSKA operates according to the charter of ICOM, the International Council of Museums.

The Finest Museum: Ten Reasons Why

  1. The KMSKA is home to countless Flemish masters: many of the art works on show were ‘Made in Flanders’.
  2. No fewer than 111 works in the collection are on the Flemish Government’s official Masterpiece List.
  3. Top international names like Fouquet, Titian, Alechinsky, Modigliani, Rodin and Chagall, to name just a few, have a global appeal.
  4. The world’s largest collections of work by James Ensor and Rik Wouters put the KMSKA on the map as the home of modern art pioneers and of revolutionary art.
  5. With its thrilling symbiosis between the powerful new volume and the historic galleries, the new museum building is an architectural gem.
  6. The KMSKA is one of the few Flemish museums with a conservation studio of its own.
  7.  The KMSKA is an internationally renowned research institution too.
  8. With our Artists in Residence programme and cross-overs with the wider cultural sector, the KMSKA has emerged as a breeding ground for outstanding new talent.
  9. The Museum Garden is a gallery in its own right: a green oasis, which brings local people together and offers a tranquil haven in this lively district.
  10. The Finest Feeling shines through in everything we organize, do and represent: a positive emotion that truly affects people. 

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Leopold de Waelplaats 1, 2000 Antwerpen

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© 2021 Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen