
Visitor Regulations


We wish you an enjoyable and educational visit. In order to make your visit as pleasant and safe as possible, we ask you to observe the following guidelines in all public areas of the KMSKA. One of the roles of our heritage guards and reception staff is to ensure that these visitor rules are respected. To make the visit pleasant for everyone, we ask you to help them achieve this.When you enter the museum as a visitor, you are expected to know and comply with these regulations.


General provisions

The Royal Museum of Fine Arts located at Leopold de Waelplaats 2 in Antwerp is hereinafter referred to as the KMSKA.

The KMSKA: the spaces open to the public, the scientific library and the depot in the KMSKA building at Leopold de Waelplaats 2 in Antwerp.

Visitor: any person who enters the KMSKA to visit an exhibition or consult the library collections, or who attends a reception, conference, lecture or similar gathering by invitation.

Ticket: a ticket which gives the visitor access to the premises in the KMSKA during regular opening hours. A ticket can be printed or presented on a smartphone. Tickets are scanned in the entrance hall.

Admission ticket: a ticket is valid as an admission ticket upon presentation, whether or not in combination with a reduction card or the museum pass. Admission to the museum by invitation, with a voucher, reduction card or museum pass is only valid in combination with a ticket.

KMSKA heritage guard: natural person with the status of guard working in and around the KMSKA by order of the internal security service of the KMSKA.


Area of application

Article 1:

The visitor regulations apply to:

  • visitors to the collection and exhibitions of the KMSKA;
  • persons or groups who have been granted permission to use a space for meetings, receptions, lectures, concerts, performances or other gatherings;
  • any person not belonging to the institution who is on the premises for professional purposes.


Article 2:

Should the visitor refuse to comply with the rules of the visitors' regulations and the instructions of the museum staff, the internal security service will intervene. This may lead to immediate expulsion from the museum by the security service or the police.


Access to the museum

Article 3:

The KMSKA is accessible to the public on the days as announced on the website.

Deviations from the accessibility will be announced at the entrance to the museum. Access is possible until 30 minutes before closing time at the latest.

The KMSKA is closed on 1 January and 25 December.

Exceptionally, the opening hours may deviate from the regular opening hours. These temporary opening hours will always be clearly indicated on the museum website, at the entrance and at the reception desk.


Article 4:

It is prohibited to enter the museum building carrying:

  • utensils which, due to their function or nature, pose a risk to the safety of persons, works of art or the building;
  • extremely heavy, bulky, cumbersome or malodorous objects;
  • works of art or antiques;
  • reproductions of works of art and casts;
  • musical instruments;
  • animals, except trained dogs for the visually impaired or those suffering from epilepsy
  • explosive, inflammable or volatile substances
  • all means of transport such as skateboards, bicycles, folding bicycles, steps, segways, ...

This list is not exhaustive. The heritage guards are entitled to refuse other objects if they consider them to be a risk to the general safety, the conservation of our collection or the condition of the buildings and installations.


Article 5:

For security reasons, heritage guards may ask visitors to open bags and packs and to show the contents. They may also search bags and packs if they deem it necessary. A heritage guard can refuse certain objects and possibly also deny a visitor access. 


Article 6:

The visitor will not be granted access to the KMSKA if it appears that:

  • the admission ticket is no longer complete, does not show a QR code or if the document has been manipulated;
  • the visitor is evidently under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or similar substances;
  • the visitor is clearly disturbing the peace or has the intention to disturb the peace;
  • the visitor evidently refuses to behave according to the guidelines, instructions, house rules or standards of conduct set by KMSKA;
  • the visitor wishes to enter the museum with bare feet and/or bare torso;
  • the visitor is in possession of legally prohibited or dangerous goods, materials or objects such as: fireworks, glasses and cans; banners with - in the opinion of the KMSKA security staff - discriminatory or provocative texts; chains, firearms, bludgeons, bladed or thrusting weapons or other objects which can be used as weapons to disturb the peace.


Access to the museum galleries

Article 7:

The museum galleries are only accessible to visitors with a valid admission ticket. The visitor purchases the ticket via the KMSKA website or in the museum building. The admission prices and the conditions for discounts on these prices are indicated on the screen above the ticket counter and on the museum website.

The visitor must keep the ticket during the entire visit. At any time the visitor may be requested to produce the admission ticket, whether or not in combination with a museum pass or any card giving entitlement to a reduction on the admission price, to the reception staff and/or heritage guards of the KMSKA.

Should the visitor not be able or willing to comply with such a request, he may be denied access to KMSKA, whereby the visitor shall not be entitled to a refund.


Article 8:

The non-accessibility or incomplete access to some exhibition halls does not entitle the visitor to a refund or a reduction.


Article 9:

The visit by, and presence of the visitor in the KMSKA is at his/her own expense and risk.


Article 10:

Access to the museum rooms is only permitted after mandatory deposit in the cloakrooms of:

  • hand luggage larger than 34 x 22 cm;
  • baby backpacks and bulky rucksacks;
  • walking sticks without protection at the tip;
  • umbrellas;
  • wet coats;
  • capes and cloaks which visitors cannot wear over the arm or on the shoulder;
  • objects which, by virtue of the purpose for which they are used or their characteristics, pose a risk to the safety of persons, works of art or the buildings;
  • (domestic) animals, other than assistance dogs;
  • food and beverages;
  • personal folding chairs, unless they are used by disabled persons who have been given permission to do so by security staff;
  • spotlights for filming or taking photographs, as well as reflectors;
  • tripods for cameras, subject to the provisions of Article 23;
  • Selfie sticks and similar equipment.
  • Permitted small backpacks must be carried by the hand and not on the back.

This is a non-exhaustive list. The security personnel are authorised to judge whether an object can be taken along during the museum visit.


Article 11:

KMSKA provides a cloakroom and lockers for visitors free of charge.

The cloakroom is provided so that visitors may leave their clothing, walking sticks and umbrellas free of charge during their visit to the museum. Visitors are requested to remove money, credit cards and valuable objects - particularly jewellery - from their clothing before leaving it in the cloakroom.

The lockers are there to give visitors the opportunity to store hand luggage, handbags and objects free of charge during their visit to the museum.

Hand luggage, handbags and objects cannot be left in the cloakroom. Visitors must use the lockers for this purpose. Travel luggage and large objects cannot be left behind.


Article 12:

KMSKA is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to any object left in the cloakroom or lockers.


Article 13:

Everything left behind in the cloakroom and lockers must be retrieved on the day of the visit, before the KMSKA closes.

Every day, after closing, the cloakroom and locked lockers are emptied by the security personnel and the items left behind are stored away. After a period of 48 hours has elapsed, any items not collected will be considered lost property.


Article 14:

Objects found in KMSKA will be deposited with the internal security department. If nobody has retrieved them after the statutory period, they will be offered to a charitable organisation.

Perishable and worthless objects are destroyed every day after the KMSKA closes.

Locked (hand) luggage and packages left behind in the museum building outside the cloakroom or the lockers, and which appear to pose a threat to the security of the KMSKA, may be destroyed without delay or warning by the police or the security service.


Article 15:

Children under the age of 12 may only visit the KMSKA when accompanied by an adult. Parents, supervisors or teachers of children/groups are responsible and accountable for the behaviour of the persons they accompany.

Any lost child will be accompanied to the reception desk in the reception area. If necessary, and in any case after closing time of the KMSKA, the lost child will be entrusted to the police.


Code of conduct

Article 16:

KMSKA expects the visitor:

while visiting the KMSKA building, to behave in accordance with the safety regulations, public order, and other rules applicable to museum visits;

to behave correctly, both towards the museum staff and the other visitors;

to maintain a safe distance of at least 60 cm from the works of art.


Article 17:

The visitor is liable for the damage he/she causes to (art) objects during the visit, participation in a workshop, atelier, guided tour or other activity in the KMSKA. He/she will have to compensate for the damage caused.


Article 18:

It is, among other things, prohibited:

  • to touch the exhibits or point to them with an object, unless this is expressly permitted;
  • to run, push each other, slide or climb, to lean against the walls and to lie or stand on the benches;
  • to intentionally and persistently obstruct other visitors and form an obstruction in the passages and exits, in particular by sitting on the stairs;
  • to smoke or use narcotics;
  • to carry drinks/liquids in glass/cans or other containers unless the necessary use can be proven with a certificate from a qualified medical doctor;
  • to consume food, except in the café/restaurant and at the KMSKA's catering outlets. In the case of events, different rules may apply, which will be announced by the KMSKA staff;
  • to cause noise nuisance by using mobile phones, audio players or other sound equipment;
  • to move furniture, chairs, seats or benches in the exhibition rooms of the museum building;
  • to lean over, stand or sit on the viewing areas ('voids') located in the contemporary halls;
  • to operate a fire alarm button or auxiliary equipment (extinguisher, fire reel, etc.) without a valid reason;
  • to trade, advertise, carry out propaganda or recruit, unless with the express permission of the museum management.

In the event of a breach of these guidelines, the heritage guards will intervene.


Article 19:

Young mothers may breastfeed in the KMSKA. If they so wish, they may do so in less crowded places. More information can be obtained from the guards.


Article 20:

It is forbidden for guides who are not affiliated with the KMSKA to organise guided tours, except with the prior written permission of the museum management.


Article 21:

The visitor must always follow the instructions of the museum staff. The personnel of the KMSKA, in particular the security personnel, are authorised by the museum management to give instructions to visitors and to intervene where deemed necessary. Failure to follow instructions may result in the immediate request to leave the museum.


Photography, filming and surveys

Article 22:

Unless stated otherwise, visitors may photograph or film works of art without flash lighting in the museum rooms during opening hours. This is only permitted with light equipment for private use. The images may not be used for professional/commercial purposes.


Article 23:

Without prior written permission from the KMSKA, it is prohibited to use:

  • flash units, lamps and other lighting equipment;
  • tripods;
  • microphone poles.
  • Written permission must be produced at the request of an employee of the KMSKA.


Article 24:

It is prohibited to photograph technical installations and/or equipment.

If security personnel or security installations are filmed, KMSKA will lodge a complaint with the police.


Article 25:

Any picture, sound or other recording which could involve museum staff or the public requires, in addition to the permission of the KMSKA, the permission of those involved. In case of violation of these regulations, the KMSKA disclaims any responsibility towards third parties.


Article 26:

It is possible that visitors may be photographed or filmed during their visit to the KMSKA. These recordings may be used in the communication of the KMSKA. The visitor is invited to report any objections immediately to the photographer or cameraman concerned.


Article 27:

It is possible that during the visit to the KMSKA the visitor will be asked to take part in a survey or enquiry. The visitor is free to participate or not. The results of a survey or enquiry are always processed anonymously and are solely for internal use by the KMSKA.


Lost property

Article 28:

Objects found by the visitor in the KMSKA may be handed in to a member of the reception staff or heritage guard of the KMSKA, or at the reception desk in the reception area of the KMSKA.

The KMSKA will take charge of any found items and, in the case of valuable objects, will hand them over to the Antwerp police.

If the presumed owner of a found object reports it, he/she can either collect the goods themselves or have them sent to him/her, cash on delivery. In either case, the owner must be able to prove their identity. In case of doubt about the status of the alleged owner, the KMSKA can request a proof of ownership.



Safety of persons, works of art and building

Article 28:

In the event of overcrowding, disturbances or natural circumstances which may endanger the safety of persons or property, a decision may be taken to close the museum partially or completely or to change the opening hours, without the right to compensation or reimbursement of the admission ticket.


Article 29:

In the event of any unlawful or irregular event, the necessary measures may be taken, in particular, the closing of entrances and the control of exits. This measure means that visitors are expected to remain in the KMSKA until the arrival of the police.



Article 30:

The visitor has no recourse to the following circumstances, among others, which will never result in any obligation for the museum to compensate the visitor:

partial closure of the museum, including but not limited to partial closure as a result of the construction or dismantling of exhibitions;

nuisance or inconvenience caused by other visitors, including but not limited to noise nuisance, inappropriate behaviour and theft;

nuisance or inconvenience caused by maintenance work, including but not limited to rebuilding or rearranging rooms;

nuisance or inconvenience caused by facilities in the museum not functioning properly.


Article 31:

The KMSKA is not obliged to refund the cost of an unused ticket. Additional transaction costs and/or other costs are also not eligible for reimbursement.

The visitor will not be refunded the price of admission in the event of loss or theft of the admission ticket before entering the KMSKA.


Article 32:

The refund of a ticket in exceptional cases of decease or force majeure are described in the Conditions of CM, the ticket partner of the KMSKA. In case of uncertainty, visitors may contact the KMSKA via the contact form on the website. The rebooking of tickets can be done according to the instructions of CM, the ticket partner of the KMSKA.


Article 33:

The visitor who has complaints other than those mentioned above may report them. All remarks, suggestions or complaints are welcome via the contact form on the KMSKA website.



Article 34:

Refusal to comply with the provisions of these visitor regulations will result in an immediate request to leave the KMSKA. If the visitor does not comply with this request, the museum staff will notify the police.


Article 35:

These regulations are governed by Belgian law.


Article 36:

All disputes arising herefrom shall be submitted for exclusive settlement to the courts of the judicial district of Antwerp.



Article 37: 

With the free WiFi network 'KMSKA Wifi', you can use wireless internet anywhere in the building. In case of misuse, you undertake to indemnify and compensate the KMSKA and the Flemish Government against any claims or demands resulting from an infringement thereof.   


Civil liability surveillance service

Article 38:

The in-house security service of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Antwerp with identification number with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises 0316.380.841 is insured against physical or material damage arising from the performance of its private security activities. The injured parties may apply directly to Ethias nv. The policy number is 45.470.401


Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp

Luk Lemmens, Chairman of the Board of Directors KMSKA

Carmen Willems, General Director KMSKA




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