
The re-use of research results is permitted with following citation forms:

  • Example Chicago: Owner or Author. “Title of the page or a description of the page.” Date of publication/revised/consultation. URL.
  • Example MLA: Last name, First name. “Title of the Page.” Website title, date the webpage was published (if available), URL, DOI or permalink. Date the website was last visited by you.

Image use

The images of James Ensor's artworks in visible light are Public Domain and can therefore be freely downloaded. A download can be obtained via the online collection catalogue. The derived research images were created through a collaboration between KMSKA and the University of Antwerp. The images are eligible for reuse, subject to mention of both institutions; creditline: AXIS Research group, University of Antwerp, Belgium and Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, Belgium. To obtain high-resolution images, please contact the museum here.


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