
Benjamin Verdonck

Actor, dramatist, writer, visual artist, performance artist. He brings art to the public space and to a wide audience. From a gigantic bird's nest in a city square to the museum.
Benjamin Verdonck
  • Creative jack-of-all-trades

  • Lover of vegan meals and tree houses

  • Collector


Love of collections

"I think it's a fantastic exercise that you build a very large house in the middle of the city that meets a whole bunch of conditions. So that you can store and display works there. I have a weakness for collections. For the care that goes into them, the dedication to an object. It is one of the reasons to become AIR: to get to know the KMSKA better from the inside. The building, the collection and its future.”

KMSKA as a source of inspiration

"I used to live near the KMSKA. I often just went there to stroll around. I love the majestic rooms, the creaking of the parquet flooring, the attendants on their chairs. The artist I remember from that time is not one of your permanent collection. In the entrance hall, there was Joost Conijn's wooden car and the film of his journey with it through Eastern Europe. The work was so different from what you would expect in the KMSKA. As if someone had mistakenly parked his car there. I have no idea how it got there. That only made the work more intriguing."

Ideal co-creation

"I am a big fan of the work of Swiss artist Thomas Hirschhorn. I would like to participate in the creation of an installation, to be able to spend some time with him. I have met him three times and interviewed him twice. Each time I had the feeling that I wanted to stay with him for longer.

Weirdest habit

"Sometimes I imagine that I possess superpowers and that I am in a large control room, carved into a high mountain. From there I can monitor the whole world. I am joined at the table by many scientists and other clever people. Together, we decide what interventions are needed to keep life on Earth sustainable. I then carry these out with my superpowers without anyone noticing."


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