
The photos of art works in the public domain can be downloaded free of charge and may be used without permission. We do appreciate a mention of our name (Collection KMSKA - Flemish Community). Read more about public domain here.
Are you using the image for professional purposes? The Image Management department will be happy to help you with any questions you may have, such as the free provision of high resolution images. Do not hesitate to contact us. If you are using the image in a publication, we do appreciate receiving a copy.
KMSKA releases the photos of objects in public domain under a Creative Commons Zero-licence (CC0). There is therefore no restriction on the use of the photos and the accompanying information. All texts on this site are also released under a CC0 licence. For further information about CC0, visit the Creative Commons page.
If the photo is marked with the © symbol, this means that the object is protected by copyright. This photo may not be used, reproduced and/or made public in any way without the prior written consent of the copyright holders. For further information about these objects under copyright you can contact us and/or read more here.
These photos are only shown on the site and are not downloadable. Do you want to request an image under copyright? Complete the contact form. As a user, you are responsible for clearing the rights with SABAM, the Belgian society for authors, composers and publishers: https://www.sabam.be/nl .
Any reproduction, adaptation, partial modification or transmission by TV, cable or Internet of works from the SABAM repertoire is prohibited, except with SABAM's prior consent: https://www.sabam.be/nl / email: visual.arts@sabam.be.
The black and white images with watermark © KIK-IRPA, Brussels were created by the Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium (KIK) in Brussels. For the use of these images you must contact the KIK and mention the provenance: © KIK-IRPA, Brussels.
Do you still have questions? The Image Management department will be happy to help. Contact us here