
Open restoration studio


How are paintings from the KMSKA collection conserved and restored so they can hang at their best in the museum galleries?

Every two months you are welcome to visit the restoration studio. Learn all about how the works of art the conservators are treating from themselves.

In 2023, for example, the studio will be working on the 16th-century Altarpiece of the Joiner's Craft by Quinten Massijs. Restorations of works by both Michaelina Wautier and James Ensor are also on the program.

The restoration studio is an international knowledge and research center where conservators from around the world work together. The language of communication is English.

Twee locaties

  • In het restauratieatelier krijg je een zicht op de lopende behandelingen, waaronder een schilderij van Vincent Van Gogh en van Léon Frederic.
  • In Studio Rubens werkt men aan de vernisafname van Tronende Madonna omringd door heiligen.

Het restauratieatelier is een internationaal kennis- en onderzoekscentrum, waar restauratoren uit de hele wereld samenwerken. De voertaal tijdens het open restauratieatelier is Engels.

Practical info

  • Free with admission ticket.
  • You will find the restoration studio at the back of floor 2, next to the projection room.