During World War II many art works and cultural artefacts from public and private collections were left behind, robed or stolen. A great number of these works could be retrieved and returned to their rightful owners. Unfortunately not all the rediscovered objects had a clear provenance. Belgium acceded to the principles on robed and missing art objects during the Conference of Washington in 1998. In collaboration with the Study Committee for Jewish Property and the Reimbursement Committee the museum did investigate art works with untraceable provenance in its collection. This research took several years.

For the sake of transparency it was decided to create a database for these art works with untraceable or incomplete provenance in order to obtain more information about their acquisition history. The database’s main focus is on paintings and sculptures that ended up in museum collections after World War II. We welcome any new information that can throw a light on the provenance of these art works. You can send you information by post, or by mail to

The provenance of following paintings was investigated:

Het strand van Scheveningen, Cornelis Beelt, KMSKA

The Beach at Scheveningen

  • Artist: Cornelis Beelt
  • Inventory number: 5056
  • Medium and support: hout
  • Dimensions: 57 cm x 82 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Sold in November 1941 by art dealer Le Roy, Brussels, to Kajetan Mühlmann for 4.400 RM; resold to Heinrich Neuerburg, Garmisch, for 12.000 RM; rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in the Neuerburg house, Garmisch; transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 4382); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.277); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Het strand van Scheveningen, Cornelis Beelt, KMSKA
Landschap met schaatsers, Adam Van Breen, KMSKA

Winter Landscape with Skaters

  • Artist: Adam Van Breen
  • Inventory number: 5059
  • Medium and support: oil on panel
  • Dimensions: 40 cm x 82 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Sold in November 1941 by art collector Pieter Smidt van Gelder, Antwerp, to Kajetan Mühlmann for 8.000 Fl[orin]; resold to A. Hitler for the Linz Collection. This collection was kept in the salt mines of Alt-Aussee (Aussee Numer 2925); rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in 1945 (Linz No. 1873); transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 4276); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.61); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Landschap met schaatsers, Adam Van Breen, KMSKA
Portret van een man, Lucas Cranach II, KMSKA

Portrait of a man

  • Artist: Lucas Cranach II
  • Inventory number: 5047
  • Medium and support: oil on panel
  • Dimensions: 84 cm x 52 cm
  • Acquisition credit: According to DER collection Marchal; sold in November 1944 by art dealer Pieter Moorthamers, Brussels, to Kajetan Mühlmann, The Hague, for 16.541,35 Florin; rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in April 1945 in Schloss Volders, Hall, and transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 693); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.27); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Portret van een man, Lucas Cranach II, KMSKA
Evan Lucas Cranach I, KMSKA


  • Artist: Lucas Cranach I
  • Inventory number: 5048
  • Medium and support: oil on panel
  • Dimensions: 86 cm x 65 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Sold in November 1943 by art dealer Le Roy, Brussels, to Kajetan Mühlmann, The Hague, for 5.000 RM; resold to Herman Göring. In 1945 his collection was taken from Carinhall to Berchtesgaden; rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in Berchtesgaden in 1945 (Berchtesgaden No. 785); transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 5833, Frame No. 6615); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.83); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Evan Lucas Cranach I, KMSKA
Schilderij Madonna  Jan Gossaert


  • Artist: Jan Gossaert
  • Inventory number: 5055
  • Medium and support: oil on panel
  • Dimensions: 20 cm x 14 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Sold on 14 November 1942 by art collector Van Gelder’s widow, Uccle, for 512.000 BEF (41.000RM) to Dr. Rademacker for the Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn; rediscovered in Marienstatt (near Bonn); returned to Belgium as recompense from the French zone (Economic Recuperation Service No. F.17); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Madonna  Jan Gossaert
Schilderij Landschap Jan Van Goyen


  • Artist: Jan Van Goyen
  • Inventory number: 5053
  • Medium and support: oil on canvas
  • Dimensions: 102 cm x 132 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Sold during the war years by art dealer de Heuvel, Brussels, to Kajetan Mühlmann, The Hague; rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in Marienburg fortress, Wurzburg; transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 19948); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.89); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Landschap Jan Van Goyen
Schilderij Triomfboog in Venetië Francesco Guardi

Capriccio with Arch in Venice

  • Artist: Francesco Guardi
  • Inventory number: 5063
  • Medium and support: Oil on wood
  • Dimensions: 102 cm x 132 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Sold during the war years by art collector Pieter Smidt van Gelder, Antwerp, to Kajetan Mühlmann for 20.000 Fl[orin]; resold to A. Hitler for the Linz Collection. This collection was kept in the salt mines of Alt-Aussee (Aussee Numer 2925); rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in 1945; transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 4504); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.71); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Triomfboog in Venetië Francesco Guardi
Schilderij Het Kaartspel Jan Josef Horemans II

Card game

  • Artist: Jan Josef Horemans II
  • Inventory number: 5060
  • Medium and support: oil on canvas
  • Dimensions: 51 cm x 81 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Bought during the war years by the Dorotheum auction house, Vienna, in Belgium (Dorotheum No. 217.519/07) for 40.000 BEF and resold to A. Hitler for the Linz Collection; rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in Alt-Aussee, Monsberg, on 20 November 1944; transported to the Collection Point Munich; returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.108); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Het Kaartspel Jan Josef Horemans II
Schilderij Het thee-uurtje Jan Josef Horemans

Tea Time

  • Artist: Jan Josef Horemans II
  • Inventory number: 5061
  • Medium and support: oil on canvas
  • Dimensions: 51 cm x 58 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Bought during the war years by the Dorotheum auction house, Vienna, in Belgium (Dorotheum No. 217.519/08) for 40.000 BEF and resold to A. Hitler for the Linz Collection; rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in Alt-Aussee, Monsberg, on 20 November 1944; transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 33860); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.106); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Het thee-uurtje Jan Josef Horemans
Schilderij De Fruitverkoopster Jacob Jordaens I


  • Artist: Jacob Jordaens I
  • Inventory number: 5049
  • Medium and support: oil on canvas
  • Dimensions: 118 cm x 154 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Sold in June 1944 by art collector Van Gelder’s widow, Uccle, to Maurice Lagrand, Brussels; resold to Dorotheum auction house, Vienna, for 30.000 RM; and resold to A. Hitler for the Linz Collection; rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in Alt-Aussee, Monsberg, on 20 November 1944 (Aussee No. 8735); transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 33827); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.96); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij De Fruitverkoopster Jacob Jordaens I
Schilderij Heilige Dorothea van Caeserea in een bloemenkrans

Saint Dorothea of Caesarea in a Flower Garland

  • Artist: Philippe De Marlier
  • Inventory number: 5058
  • Medium and support: oil on panel
  • Dimensions: 72 cm x 52 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Bought in 1944 by Dr. Göpel from a Belgian art deal or collector (according to KMSKA from art dealer De Heuvel, Brussels) and destined for A. Hitler and the Linz Collection (Linz No. 3469); brought from Führerbau to Alt-Aussee, Monsberg, on 4 October 1944 (Aussee No. 3999); rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section and transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 8779); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.118); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Heilige Dorothea van Caeserea in een bloemenkrans
Schilderij Man van smarten Meester van de Heilige Veronica

Man of Sorrows with Madonna and Saint Catharine of Alexandria

  • Artist: Master of Saint Veronica
  • Inventory number: 5070
  • Medium and support: oil on panel
  • Dimensions: 41 cm x 24 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Part of the collector Emile Renders’ painting collection, Brussels and Bruges, sold in its entirety through Jacques De Mul, Walter Paech, Alois Miedl (who had taken over the art shop Goudstikker, Amsterdam, during the occupation) and Andreas Hofer; bought on 15 May 1941 by Hermann Göring. This particular painting was taken from Carinhall to Berchtesgaden (Berchtesgaden No. 2113); rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in Berchtesgaden in 1945; transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 7163); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.53); after the verdict in the trial E. Renders, transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Man van smarten Meester van de Heilige Veronica
Schilderij Heilige Familie Jan Massijs

Holy Family

  • Artist: Jan Massijs
  • Inventory number: 5052
  • Medium and support: oil on panel
  • Dimensions: 101 cm x 73 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Collection Ruffo de Boneval, Bruges; owned by De Wynter; bought through Gasteon Demeter by Dr. Göpel on 8 September 1943 for 1.000.000 BEF for A. Hitler and the Linz Collection (Linz No. 3438); brought from Führerbau to Alt-Aussee, Monsberg, on 4 October 1944 (Aussee No. 3160); rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section and transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 3045); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.250); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Heilige Familie Jan Massijs
Schilderij Zingende man Adreaen van Ostade

Singing Man

  • Artist: Adriaen van Ostade
  • Inventory number: 5062
  • Medium and support: oil on panel
  • Dimensions: 27 cm x 23 cm
  • Acquistion credit: Bought on 23 September 1943 by art dealer and restorer Leegenhoek, Brussels and Paris, by Maurice Lagrand, Brussels; resold for 16.000 RM to Andreas Hofer for Hermann Göring’s collection. This collection was taken from Carinhall to Berchtesgaden (Berchtesgaden No. 872); rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in Berchtesgaden in 1945; transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 5920); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.53); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Zingende man Adreaen van Ostade
Schilderij Madonna met heiligen Pier Francesco Florentino

Madonna Enthroned with Saints

  • Artist: Pier Francesco Fiorentino
  • Inventory number: 5046
  • Medium and support: oil on panel
  • Dimensions: 159 cm x 172 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Sold on 13 May 1943 by art collector Van Gelder’s widow, Uccle, together with six other paintings to Andreas Hofer for 220.000 RM. to Andreas Hofer (A. Hofer was the conservator of and purchaser for Hermann Göring’s art collection). This collection was taken from Carinhall to Berchtesgaden; rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in Berchtesgaden in 1945 (Berchtesgaden No. 239); transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 5334); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.39); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Madonna met heiligen Pier Francesco Florentino
Schilderij Paradijs van de vogels Roelant Savery

Bird’s Paradise

  • Artist: Roelant Savery
  • Inventory number: 5051
  • Medium and support: oil on panel
  • Dimensions: 39 cm x 50 cm
  • Acquistion credit: Bought in 1944 by Dr. Herbst for the Dorotheum auction house, Vienna, in Belgium (Dorotheum No. 217.519/13) for 350.000 BEF and resold to A. Hitler for the Linz Collection; rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in Alt-Aussee, Monsberg (Aussee No. 3653), on 20 November 1944; transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 5004); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.255); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Paradijs van de vogels Roelant Savery
Schilderij Het oordeel van Paris Joachim Wtewael

The Judgement of Paris

  • Artist: Joachim Wtewael
  • Inventory number: 5057
  • Medium and support: oil on copper
  • Dimensions: 21 cm x 27 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Sold on 8 June 1941 by doctor and art collector Frans Heulens, Anderlecht, for 2.200 RM to Andreas Hofer (A. Hofer was the conservator of and purchaser for Göring’s art collection). Given as a gift by Generaldirektor Pleiger to Hermann Göring. This collection was taken from Carinhall to Berchtesgaden; rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in Berchtesgaden in 1945 (Berchtesgaden No. 906); transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 5954); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.262); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Het oordeel van Paris Joachim Wtewael
Schilderij Annunciatie Anonieme meester Zuid-Nederlands

The Annunciation

  • Artist: Anonymous Master, Southern Low Countries, Bruges
  • Inventory number: 5071
  • Medium and support: oil on panel
  • Dimensions: 38 cm x 48 cm
  • Acquistion credit: Part of the collector Emile Renders’ painting collection, Brussels and Bruges, sold in its entirety through Jacques De Mul, Walter Paech, Alois Miedl (who had taken over the art shop Goudstikker, Amsterdam, during the occupation) and Andreas Hofer; bought on 15 May 1941 by Hermann Göring. This particular painting was taken from Carinhall to Berchtesgaden (Berchtesgaden No. 1136); rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in Berchtesgaden in 1945; transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 6184); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.49); after the verdict in the trial E. Renders, transferred in 1952 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Annunciatie Anonieme meester Zuid-Nederlands
Schilderij Bekering van Paulus anonieme meester Zuid-Nederlands

Conversion of Saint Paul

  • Artist: Anonymous Master, Southern Low Countries, Antwerp
  • Inventory number: 5050
  • Medium and support: oil on panel
  • Dimensions: 103 cm x 63,5 cm
  • Acquisition credit: Bought during the war years in Belgium by Maurice Lagrand, Brussels, and sold to Kajetan Mühlmann, The Hague; rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in April 1945 in Schloss Volders, Hall (Tirol) and transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 696); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.248); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Bekering van Paulus anonieme meester Zuid-Nederlands
Schilderij Vanitas Jan Denens


  • Artist: Jan Denens
  • Inventory number: 5054
  • Medium and support: oil on panel
  • Dimensions: 91 cm x 68 cm
  • Acquistion credit: Unknown collection, robed by Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) in Belgium (M[öbel]A[ktion]B[elgien] No. 31); rediscovered by the American Monuments, Fine Arts & Archives (MFAA) section in 1945 in Schloss Kogl and transported to the Collection Point Munich (Munich No. 21833); returned to Belgium as recompense (Economic Recuperation Service No. A.287); transferred in 1951 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Vanitas Jan Denens
Schilderij Stilleven Jacob Foppens van Es

Still life

  • Artist: Jacob Foppens van Es
  • Inventory number: 5030
  • Medium and support: oil on canvas
  • Dimensions: 110 cm x 117 cm
  • Acquistion credit: Not enlisted as DER art work transferred to KMSKA . According to catalogue of old masters: sold in 1931 at the Internationales Kunstversteigerungshaus, Berlin (No. 513); given by the Sequesteral Service in 1946 to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.

Schilderij Stilleven Jacob Foppens van Es

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